The crap

We were expecting extraordinary things today. The scenario I imagined was different, less tactics, more “legs”. I assumed an atrophic forcing already “to death” of Quintana’s men, continuing with forcing on the first climb of the Stelvio, and preparing a real Nairoh attack on the last ascent. Instead ??? But a bit of confusion … […]

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What a bestial Sunday

A stage belly to the ground … Very high average speed, everybody looking for the breakaway, and everybody running after everybody … (“Let’s make a ball” I would have yelled at 😂😂) There is not much to see, apart from the fall of Quintana (which does not create problems as he becomes a sprinter on […]

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And then…and then…and then

Hello everybody Yesterday I took a sabbatical day. Following the stage today, it seems that the Giro d’Italia is already closed. Now everything is archived! The first Dutch to win the Tour of Italy.  Some doubts about… But I think that the lap has to face even the days when something overwhelming may happen. Today Tom […]

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I abstain from any analysis of the stage of today! Good Maestri… to try the impossible by spitting the soul. I would like to understand Wilier’s strategy… I did not even figure out whether they did the sprint all over… Good night!

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Looking for ideas…

Tappa 11 vince Fraile

It has been a very interesting stage today. We began to recognize team tactics to make life harder to Domoulin. The idea of Quintana, Nibali and Pinot’s teams is to knock up the Dutch and they started today … The hope is to try to overexert Domoulin’s teammates with the hope of isolating him in […]

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